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AirForce International

AirForce International Announces Fully Shrouded Orion PCP Air Rifle

Orion SS by AIrForce International

(Fort Worth, January 17, 2017)

AirForce International is introducing the fully shrouded Orion pre-charged pneumatic air rifle. The wood stock Orion has a hammer forged, fully shrouded barrel for a sleeker look and surer handling in the field.

The Spanish made air rifle sports a lustrous wood stock with an adjustable comb for maximum comfort. The Orion is available in .177, .22 and .25, all available with multi-shot magazines.

“The Orion is one of those wood stock air rifles that just calls you,” noted CEO John McCaslin. “The classic lines and the crisp trigger add up to an air rifle that is top of its field.”

Orion barrels are precisely drilled and later cold hammer forged in machines especially made for this process. All the airguns are individually tested and calibrated.

The Orion is an excellent entry into pre-charged airgunning with the combination of traditional wood stock and pre-charged power and technology. Pre-charged airgunning is one of the fastest growing segments of the overall hunting market.

Auto-Numatic is the Texas based parent company of AirForce Airguns, BKL Technologies and AirForce International. AirForce Airguns revolutionized the airgun world with the first U.S. manufactured pre-charged pneumatic airgun in 1997. AirForce is now an established leader in the design and manufacture of high performance adult airguns. BKL offers a complete line of US made scope mounting systems for airguns and rimfire rifles that automatically self center on the mounting rail. AirForce International offers the finest in imported pre-charged airguns. Auto-Numatic Corporation’s headquarters, production and shipping facilities are located in Fort Worth, Texas.

For more information on AirForce International, visit the website or write to AirForce International, P.O. Box 2478, Fort Worth, Texas 76113